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Experience the powerful
light of Sunpoint


The Sunpoint method of healing through energy realignment addresses the health, movement and clarity of the subtle energy centers or chakras. It awakens the individual and opens them to the soul’s unique attributes and capabilities.


For over 40 years, Janet has created unique processes of intuitional development, healing techniques and transformational music to help people move through shifts in consciousness. She has conducted seminars, workshops and healing concerts throughout the United States.


Sunpoint treatments are provided through a series of hands-on or remote sessions. A combination of the two modalities can be used to strengthen different aspects of the subtle bodies and to elevate and stabilize vibrational frequencies of the individual.


Training in the Sunpoint method is available on a one-to-one basis, or in a workshop or class. Once an individual is able to perform the Sunpoint method on their own, Janet, senior students or fully trained practitioners can help them refine their practice.

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